Did anyone ever think that they would have to work until they were 72 or even 75 years of age?  Imagine a world where there is no set age for retirement. With people living a lot longer and fewer jobs available how will all of these people be able to provide for themselves when they get to a certain age?

The US government wants to bail out other countries who do not have retirement eligibility ages as high as ours, instead of requesting that those countries raise the age of retirement eligibility, and yet in the US those in power have not established a way to secure retirement for its own citizens. In any scenario we will all suffer because the foreign countries will continue to rely on the US to fund their retirement each and every time their money runs out and the money that the US should be using to create a safe and fullproof retirement plan for US citizens has gone to assist everyone else but those who live and work in this country.

The question remains why are US citizens not priority?  And why is there such an interest in cleaning the debt of foreign countries while still having a high one in this country that hasn't been settled?  Because of the fact that many people who should be working are not and those who do work do not earn enough to contribute to the social security system in any way for it to begin to repair itself into a system that can provide for its retirees adequately; the social security system does not have much of a future left.

It may be out of courtesy and concern for other nations for the US to be generous, but at what cost? Why does the US have to be the savior or exchange which could be the result if this continues because we will only recieve a portion of what we are entitled through social security. This is what US citizens will have to live off of because monies that should be used to develop a successful system of retirement for its citizens has gone overseas.  How do we give out shoes, when we still have people in this country without?

The US needs to take a tremendous portion of money that they intend to use to bail out and or support other countries and use it to replenish and redirect its dwindling social security system.  Afterwards of that, the US needs to develop other ways by citizen contribution without risk of gamble or loss of contribution and savings so that all citizens who work and hope to retire someday will have enough money to do so. This can be done by developing a savings or living insurance plan that is incorporated into a newly designed social security contribution fund.

Once the laces can be done automatically, the US can humbly and proudly provide bailout money to those in need.