


Solomon Dube and Safecareers have decided to settle their dispute with Pieces.

Pieces: You left things in the open and have come her to settle such crisis.
Mr. Dube: They made all these promises of how they would help and nothing came through.
Pieces: So you told all and now they cannot help with any of the problems you were having?
Mr. Dube: This was such an intimate situation and then some.
Pieces: So they turned out to be real tear jerkers.
Mr. Dube: They exposed it all and now nothing is sacred.
Pieces: You seemed very trusting of these people.
Safecareers: Look, theres not much to the story here, the guy left himself open and somebody went for it.
Pieces: But you are in the business to assist those who are vulnerable, why was that violated?
Safecareers: We didn't violate anything and we were of assistance. We showed Mr. Dube all kinds of defense methods for help of this sort and he said he understood and said he would try such approaches discussed.
Pieces: Mr. Dube did you at all follow the advice that was provided to you.
Mr. Dube: I did some of the things instructed but not all because they were very costly.
Pieces: Well you did learn somewhat of a lesson in not giving people money when you don't owe them or when they simply ask for it.
Mr. Dube: That was the thing. I didn't owe the money and Safecareers wanted me to pay moner. That's how they collected.

Pieces will resume...