Jupiter Devon and Dare Lichmon touched each other in front of a crowd of several people watching. A person in attendance is now suing for damages resulting from the place being overcrowded.

Pieces: So there was some ass-igned seating involved?
Plaintiff: Exactly, they clearly picked a bone with this one!
Pieces: Well, things have to be orderly so everyone could see it all take place. What was the problem?
Plaintiff: Things became heated, you know the vibe and intensity of it all.
Pieces: Go on.
Plaintiff: Well I tried to but got knocked over in the process.
Pieces: Continue with the story.
Plaintiff: They were all telling people to kiss...
Pieces: This was all about romance, what did you expect?
Plaintiff:The two should have not been together. it was combustion from the start.
Pieces: So the happy couple were having problems on their day. These things happen.
Plaintiff: I would hardly describe them as happy. They fought with dislike.
Pieces: Did you try to break up the argument and ended up getting knocked up along the way? Is that your complaint?
Plaintiff: Knocked up? Highly unlikely in that atmosphere.
Pieces: Well they were all telling people to kiss. Did one thing lead to another and you felt this affair you were invited to was the cause for initiating it all?
Plaintiff: They were telling people to kiss off. A bunch of women were outdoors when two of them began fighting. I was trying to get out of the way of the crowd and got roughed up andhad to be taken to a hospital. I now want to be compensated for what I had to pay for my injuries.
Pieces: I will return with my decision.


Jupiter Devon and Dare Lichmon come from money. The two women know each others as rivals. They were outdoors discussing business with regards to their respective companies and they soon began to agrue with each other. The women began to fight as did employees of each of the women. Since the fight took place on the property of where the two businesses were located it was all too easy to create an injury based on what had taken place to in attempt to extract money from either business. The plaintiff did not engage herself in a fight with anyone. She shielded herself from punches thrown and then fell to the ground. She then got up and ran immediately from the scene.

Pieces: By the looks of things you were served as in surveillance. You saw the fighting and deliberately entered the crowd and faked being hurt. And there you are running from the scene,
Plaintiff: I didn't realize I was hurt until later.
Pieces: Well fortunately- we were able to recover what we needed.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, That the plaintiff receive nothing on her claim against defendants Jupiter Devon and Dare Lichmon and their perspective companies.

Dated: November 22, 2009                                                  A. Sadiq                      
                                                                                        On Behalf of Pieces