


James Thunder is in a dispute over a bunch of tickets he received while outdoors. Mr. Thunder argues that the tickets were overrated and not worth the amount he was charged.

Pieces: I take it this was not the orchestra you had asked for?
Mr. Thunder: It was all a crock, I reviewed it myself and it wasn't worth it at all !
Pieces: Performances nowadays are electronic, you know with equipment. So you were mislead regarding a live performance?
Mr. Thunder: It was all live, but the charge was way too much- I didn't even stay too long.
Pieces: Regardless of how long you stayed, you still payed for the length of time the show was going to take.
Mr. Thunder: Look they weren't playing fair, there was some confusion between the sets.
Pieces: They lacked organization, did anyone else complain about not being satisfied?
Mr. Thunder: No people gathered around me in support of what happened.
Pieces: You should have instantly requested a refund, resulting from the poor performance.
Bureau of Parking: May I have a chance to speak?
Pieces: What a catchy name for a group. If that is your instrument let's hear that awful sound Mr. Thunder complains of. 
BOP: There were no instruments involved-just my ticket maker, and we are a "city thing" here provided by our establishment. Mr. Thunder  has received several tickets for expired meter and registration.
Pieces: So Mr. Thunder didn't like the shake of your money maker,is that it? Mr. Thunder what kind of business were you conducting to stay beyond your expired time and not take notice that you registration was past due?
Mr. Thunder: I went into the Ticket Plux to get tickets for a movie showing and when I came out the parking attendant began to chastise me about over due parking and registration.
Pieces: I will return with a decision.


Mr. Thunder was driving a vehicle with expired registration. He went into the Ticket Plux to buy some tickets for an outdoor movie showing. Mr. Thunder says that he put money in the meter, but it was probably broken which is why it expired so quickly. According to the BOP broken meters do not accept money and therefore Mr. Thunder should have parked at another one. The Ticket Plux had been previously cited for selling fake car registration stickers and drivers licenses. Ticket Plux's defense was that these decals were just novelties and not meant for actual legal use.

Pieces: Mr. Thunder, who's scalping who at this point?
Mr. Thunder: I don't follow you.
Pieces: Your performance with the Bureau of Parking.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that Mr. Thunder pay the tickets for the expired meter and registration.

Dated: September 7, 2009         A. Sadiq                     
                                               On Behalf of Pieces