


Penny Dillon has filed a complaint with Pieces resulting from a job in which the ceiling had fallen and now says she is trapped and cannot go anywhere.

Pieces: Ms. Dillon you feel trapped resulting from the fallen ceiling.

Ms. Dillon: Yes, I, I can't do anything about it. I feel hopeless.

Pieces: I see, when you told of this frustrating experience-were you helped at all before coming to Pieces?

Ms. Dillon: They said they would take a look at my complaint and investigate the problem.

Pieces: Did they ever investigate?

Ms. Dillon: They stated that they saw the problem but told me that I would end up paying for it in the long run.

Pieces: So they felt that your complaints were not valid?

Ms. Dillon: I was told from Wingate International that these things happen and therefore a complaint wasn't nesessary.

Pieces: Why wasn't one necessary?

Ms. Dillon: Because they said that somebody would look at the problem and smooth things over, although it would not be an overnight fix.

Pieces: And you were not satisfied, Ms. Dillon they were willing to help you, why didn't you accept the assistance offered- to turn it down makes no sense to me?

Ms. Dillon: Because of my head?

Pieces: What's wrong with your head?

Ms. Dillon: It was injured.

Pieces: Was the offer to fix your head included when Wingate International offered to help you with the problems you were having?

Ms. Dillon: No, they said the injuries were of my doing.

Pieces: How so?, You are emotionally scarred by all of this and they didn't want to work with you to patch things up?

Ms. Dillon: I was told it would heal in time.

Pieces: It will eventually, and now that this is over is that all you have to say?

Ms. Dillon: Over?, I had to be hospitalized because of negligent repairs to my home in which a ceiling that was supposed to have been fixed by Wingate International crumpled and fell on me!

Pieces: I've met several people with high foreheads, and this is all due to your injury?

Ms. Dillon: Yes! Wingate International is refusing to pay me for their negligence.

Man: My name is Bobby Turrel and I worked on Ms. Dillon's ceiling personally.

Pieces: You must be real proud of your shotty work-look at how you scrapped up her dome. This woman was egged because of your tacky job- wanna explain all of this?

Mr. Turrel: That's why I'm here. Me and three other folk worked on Ms. Dillon's ceiling in the main room of her home. We nailed and glued the whole nine. We were then gonna return to just paint.  A few days later we got a call saying that the ceiling fell and put Ms. Dillon in the hospital. We had to schedule a day to come by to see to what extent the damage was. We encountered bad weather and it prevented us from gettoing there sooner. We finally came to look at it and the ceiling looked like Ms. Dillon's fat head. So now she is suing us for medical and other expenses related to her injury.

Pieces: Did you at any point instruct Ms. Dillon not to walk in the main room where you repaired the ceiling until the work was done?

Mr. Turrel: We blocked off the area so it would not be used, now ask her why she insisted on walking where the repairs were being made, go on ask her?

Pieces: Ms. Dillon why did you walk onto the area where the ceiling was being repaired?

Pieces will resume...