


The Case

Oscar Milton and Mia Wright have decided to settle their heated battle by coming to Pieces. It seems as though their relationship went south when Oscar Milton told Ms. Wright he could not see her.

Pieces: I understand by the complaint that you abruptly stopped with Ms. Wright.

Mr. Milton: That's correct.

Pieces: You also state that you do not owe her anything, if that is so why did she haul you in here? Ms. Wright why can't you just accept it as accidental and move on?

Ms. Wright: Not after what he hit!

Pieces: Well you are no longer sacred, as this experience got you over the hump and you just need some time alone to sort out your feelings.

Ms. Wright: He ain't gon get off that easy- me and Mr. Milton got some dents to work out!

Pieces: Think about what you are doing to yourself. This man says he tried to resolve things with you and you want more than he is willing to give. 

Ms. Wright: It was this man, Oscar Milton who was going the wrong way. So I am her at Pieces to make him pay up for all the damage he caused.

Pieces: Ok, so you're a slightly opened gift as a result of the return. But don't worry people cannot always get new and one of these days Mr. Miltons trash is going to be somebodies treasure.

Ms. Wright: The man simply ignored all signals and kept going with his confusion.

Pieces: And you were so clear with yours....

Ms. Wright: All he had to do was look!

Pieces: And you're saying that he didn't? You weren't exactly avoidable.

Ms. Wright: Mr. Milton kept going until we hit.

Pieces: Ok so he eventually stopped. So why the anger?

Ms Wright: He wrecked my damn car!

Pieces: Did he offer an apology?

Mr. Milton: If I may interject. I offered numerous apologies and to pay for Ms. Wright's rental car until hers was repaired.

Pieces: Well you're talking sense now buddy, why didn't you stop before hitting her car?

Mr. Milton: I cannot see in that I am legally blind- I had no control!

Pieces: Then what in the world were you doing on the road?

Mr. Milton: We live in a small town called Chaunatuga. With a lot of dirt roads and just one main one. Everybody has houses with lots of grassy property. I have a restricted license and my vehicle is sensor equipped.

Pieces: Then why didn't it detect Ms. Wright's car?

Mr. Milton: It did!

Pieces: Then it is not a very smart or suitable vehicle for you to drive to have struck another car!

Ms. Wright: See the fool admitted he caused the accident, now make him buy me another car, this instant!

Pieces: I will return with my decision.


Mr. Milton a legally blind man drove his vision assisted vehicle onto a dirt lot thus, hitting and damaging Ms. Wright's car. The sensors in Mr. Milton's vehicle may have malfunctioned causing the error. but, during the car's examination it was found that Mr. Milton's car stopped once it sensed an object moving closer to it. It seems as though Ms. Wrights vehicle was in reverse and rolled backwards and hit Mr. Milton's car. Witnesses say that Ms. Wright was not in her car when it rolled backwards. She had parked it and got out while Mr. Milton was seated in his car behind hers.  Ms. Wright's defective car went into reverse and slammed into Mr. Milton's. Ms. Wright then ran to her car afterwards claiming that Mr. Milton hit her car.

Pieces:  Recognize yourself? The ball shaped lens on the inside of Mr. Milton's car roof activates a recording when hit upon impact.

Mr. Milton: You going to far.

Pieces: Very interesting...

Mr. Milton: You can stop the video right there-it's definately her!

Ms. Wright: What about the handicapped zone, you was riffin about? You seem just fine to me.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERD, that Ms. Mia Wright pay for the damage that was done to her car.   

Dated: August 4, 2009             A. Sadiq                       
                                              On Behalf of Pieces