



A man considerably older than his live in girlfriend, has decided to leave her. The reason for leaving is that she "interrupts" their time for romance. Because she tells him she is "thirsty" and goes to get something to drink.

Pieces: You said that your girlfriend brought you here, as I look around she is invisible to the court. Please explain her whereabouts.

Man: I said the problem we are having made me come to pieces, I got here by myself.

Pieces: You are asking your girlfriend to be inhuman, I mean if she can't be thirsty, then you probably sweat when you have to buy her food as well.

Man: You got this all wrong, Im trying to tell her gently that its over, just bad timing between us.

Pieces: Did you tell her just what you told me?

Man: No!

Pieces: Well why didn't you? I though you said you wanted to end this quench filled affair?

Man: Yes, I want it to end.

Pieces: Don't stand there and say that. You're really here to find a way to stop your girlfriends lust for thirst from getting in the way of your romance, yes or no?

Man: Ok I wanted to seek some help before I told her I ain't competing wit straws no more.

Pieces: You're being petty. So what. She gets a sip of liquid and you go nuts wanting to break up. In all honesty its you that has the health issue if she gulps down her drink and you no longer feel the mood.  Why is it that you're no longer interested once she does this?

Man: I just feel like she messes up the flow of things.

Pieces: I'll tell you what it is, you ain't got no flow. Psychologically you go to war with yourself because she won't let you strike at an instant. You don't like the woman to be prepared. So mentally when she gets something for her thirst it reminds you of responsibility and things you must have if you create a family with this woman. She likes to be prepared in advance. No excuses. You don't like to wait, so that it all looks accidental afterwards. This is all so that you can put the blame elsewhere instead of yourself.  So if there is no blame on you, therefore no responsibility on yourself either.

Man: She a nice girl, i'm just sayin, her thirst just turns me off.

Pieces: Do you really care about this woman? or is she someone that you like to exploit, meaning to damage her so that she has to struggle for the rest of her life?

Man: I care, but I didn't see it get to the real serious point yet.

Pieces: So since you're not at that serious point yet, you back away when she becomes thirsty. Because you like em a bit more dehydrated easier to exploit.

Man: I just don't know what to do. You talkin about expoltin, just life that's all.

Pieces: Ah, just the way you like it. No break- I've reached a decision!

Man: That was quick.


This man shows no concern for the health of his girlfriend and he likes to make things more difficult than what they have to be.  As he felt being nurished was unimportant. He is unattracted to her because to exploit her by leaving her in a situation where she must do all and support herself without him has become difficult. His girlfriend is not an instantaneous person.  However he, does not want to be saddled with responsibility so he shuts off when he feels responsibility on his part may happen as a result, which is why her "thirst" bothers him when he wants to be romantic.

IT IS ORDERED, that this man simply inform his girlfriend that he is not ready for responsibility and the caring of her and in admitting to that they should end their relationship to avoid exploitive circumstances.

Dated: May 27, 2009                                   /s/ A. Sadiq              
                                                                 On Behalf of Pieces