



An adult woman is suing her parents "spiritually". She says they have robbed her of her ability to live life to the extent that she would have lived had they not interfered in her desire to become what she wanted.  As a result she feels bound to them as though she is enslaved as they have made her miserable.

Pieces: Well you are already suing them so what do you want from me?

Woman: A bit of advice, on how to do this properly.

Pieces: Spiritually you would exchange with them the sorrow they have placed you in.  So what have you done with regard to this so far?

Woman: I don't entertain them in conversation, food or extravagance of gifts.

Pieces: Well it's not as if you have the choice of what to buy or not as you are on a limited income, resulting from the spiritual mode they requested of you. Am I correct?

Woman: Yup, I really don't have a choice in what I can do for them because they prevented me from those kinds of options.

Pieces: So this here lawsuit is not something you forced on them it naturally occured resulting from the lack of life situation available to you.

Woman: I had decided to limit everything I did for them in the past as I felt it was not appreciated- So I did decide to do this.

Pieces: But what i'm trying to get at is that even if you planned it, It occurred because your parents made the decisions for you to limit opportunities and eventual spending.

Woman: Yes, that is how it happened.

Pieces: Do you think your parents cared about what you bought them, I mean if they stopped you from having money maybe they didn't want anything from you at all.

Woman: Ok maybe they didn't, so that's why I buy what I buy.

Pieces: Are you here because you think they are trying to make you feel bad about all of this so that you will spend what little you manage to save on them?

Woman: I just think that they try to get to my conscious, and disrupt me when I am happy about something as to get my attention about what they may want me to buy for them.

Pieces: So now you're unhappy with religion because it saddles those who do no harm with guilt and provides relief to those who sin.

Woman: You said it best, it is as if im supposed to forgive those who made me miserable, and if I do in the process such belief would just furthur my misery.

Pieces: And those who sin will just continue to do so because you will have been trained to forgive them no matter what harm has been done.

Woman: I've done all I could, am I approaching this correctly?

Pieces: I will return with my decision.


The issues are as follows: will this woman ever be able to resume the live she could have had if it were not for her parents interference?

At what point should it be of inadequate parenting for this woman's parent's to disrupt her life well beyond her adult years?

If this woman is able to move on and pursue a life she wants and desires to have then she can eventually repair what was taken from her, If not then her parents are guilty of spiritual neglect.

Pieces: Your lifestyle was thrust upon you. You have control of your spending and should not be led to dictate  what you purchase with it.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the plaintiff continue with her spiritual approach to life and to improve her economic situation. She is an adult and is entitled to make her own decisions about the life she wants.

Dated: May 21, 2009                                       
/s/ A. Sadiq      
                                                                     On Behalf of Pieces