
v.                                   No. 001/09



A woman in her 30's wants to know what to do about her cheating boyfriend.  Even although the woman's boyfriend admits to the affairs she still wants to continue the relationship.  The last time he cheated on her was last month. She says he told her "he will stop, but he just can't help it when he does it."

Pieces- Why are you here? You have already decided to continue in this relationship regardless.
Woman- I just want to know what to do.
Pieces- You have to make that ultimate decision. What other commitment has he given you, promise of marriage?
Woman- NO, he's not quite ready.
Pieces- Do you want to marry him?
Woman- Yes.
Pieces- Does he have any children by you or somebody else?
Woman- He has none by me, but a few by different women.
Pieces- Does that bother you?
Woman- NO, but what gets to me is that he cheats on me with the mother of his children.
Pieces- So he still continues to see these other women even after they have had his children and he has not decided to marry and care for any of these woman so far.
Woman- He said that he was engaged to the woman while they were expecting and then they had arguments and broke up after the kids was born.
Pieces- Did he ever tell you what they argued about?
Woman- He would just say that they put a lot of stress on him.
Pieces- Do you wants kids by this man?
Woman- If he wanted to, I would.
Pieces- So he's not planning on having any with you?
Woman- He wants to wait until we are married.
Pieces- When will that be?
Woman- I don't know?, that's why I came to Pieces.
Pieces- I will return with my decision.


This is a single woman, not tied down to this man for financial dependence. He is not supporting her and they are not living together. Neither does she have children by him. If the relationship ends there are no other people to consider like children, of course. This man seems to not be anxious to have a "settled" future with this woman or even a continued fling with this woman with the attachment of a child, as he does not have any children with her. But, given his past record with women he has fathered children and then continues casual relationships with each of their mothers.  He therefore, has no interest in having a family or long term relationship with the current girlfriend.


This woman should tell this man exactly how she feels. She should then end the relationship because if she continues, she is stopping herself from meeting someone who will eventually marry her. Furthurmore, as her boyfriend informs her that he broke up with these women due to stress put upon him. What about the stress they were under?, as they now had to care for these children since he did not marry any of these women to take care of them and his children. If a man walks out because taking care of a family is too stressful, as these are the people you should love, care and do almost anything for-then that man is a waste of time towards any woman because he is unable to provide support that is needed.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that this woman cease her detrimental relationship with this man now.

DATED: May 15, 2009                        /s/ A.Sadiq                       
                                                         On Behalf of Pieces