Claiming Adult Dependents on Income Tax Returns

The IRS is frightening and intimidating.  There are situations the IRS fails to recognize that happen to adult taxpayers which may cause them to become claimed on a parents tax return.  Such a situation may occur when an individual loses a job and is unable to make enough to live on their own, even to persons well over the age of tewnty four. What recourse of independence does that individual have against the onslaught of a parent who decides to claim them as a dependent on their income taxes?

This is a question that was asked to the IRS. Why? Because if allowed, the IRS would allow a parent to recoup monies that are not paid out to the IRS by them personally. If such an individual is a working,unemployed and currently seeking employment and not of any disability capacity to the parent then such a claim should be considered frivolous when filed to the federal and state each year when claiming an adult offspring.

Does the IRS think that those who have sought education and skill to furthur themselves in life, just to end up having to live with their parents as a last resort because they do not earn enough money to afford their own home prefer to live this way? The economy and competition for well paying jobs sometimes does not work in the favor of many of those looking for decent paying jobs. People in this situation take great pride in paying their taxes and filing as well. As this is considered a passage to adulthood and should not be of debate or argument?

If the IRS or state tax department allows this to continue for working adults over the age of twenty-four them it would be similar to exclusion from the census by exclusion. If one is unable to file properly then it would seem as if the IRS allows the adult to continue to exist in child status and without adequate inclusion. If permitted, what is the IRS's reason for accepting such a status?

American's and legal citizens should not exist in a land of exclusion. Unless the IRS supports parental greed and regression of person into adulthood then this is something that should never occur. Ok, so America was once the offering of milk and honey but, in this instance you would just plain spoil the parent by allowing frivolous claims of dependants to occur. This would mean that the IRS has decided upon the right to pay inappropriate tax monies to persons who did not work for such a portion of money they attempt to claim.

It is also unethical of elders to create a dynamic in failure of economy to be continued by virtue of offspring who would subsequently lead the future. The regression began with elders and it may be of their desire for such a world regression to continue; otherwise why would any such claim be supported?  Strangely enough, if those same individuals or persons over the age of twenty-four were to have "owed" taxes, what if any would the willingness of those elders be in claiming them as dependents? Would the IRS then make the parent responsible for payment of the offspring or dependent claimed for any taxes that are due to the IRS or state department on behalf of them?

Dated: May 2, 2010                               A. Sadiq                   
                                                            On Behalf of Pieces