When people think of intellectual property, they may think of trademarks, copyrights and patents. These works of art have our name or company, one may represent that is attached to such creation. When we analyze such property we see it has a creation of work along with a price or value in money assigned to it. These works may also be considered priceless because they are made or invented as a one of a kind work or art.  The thing that makes it intellectual is the fact that the author, creator or inventor as an artist of sorts combined his or her mental talents and ability to render such a creation that makes it considered intellectual property. It is therefore afterwards, that the logo or symbol of a , C with a circle around it for copyright, TM for trademark and P  with a circle around it for patent appears or exists upon the work of the intellectual product created ie. books, cd's, appliances ect.. This establishes completion and certifies to the asking world that this is the product and ownership of a person or company.

People fail to see the correlation between intellectual property of an inventor, author, artist and or creator and that of a graduate in scholastic achievement.  At this juncture you may be asking why the argument? The reason is simple. If the original work is done by the student as the creator of what has been assigned to them, then in completion of all assignment and test what is earned upon graduation in the form of BA, BS, MBA, MS, Th.M, ,Th.D, Ph.D ect. is a form of intellectual property because the work has been given approval and the right to be used in order for a person to graduate with such lettering as similar to a symbol of creation like a copyright or patent is a symbol of product creation completeness. Therefore this makes education or its graduate referenced to as intellectual property. Why? Because the work comes from the mind of the student who was able to complete in context what was necessary to earn a degree and allows the graduate to say he or she now posesses a piece of intellectual property.

The issue here is that at any point is it fair to use that degree of intellectual property for another individual?  One can consider it the same as a company with a patent who licences out their product to another company for their use. Meaning, that one just took the intellect of the degree and allowed another individual to use the opportunity it provides and make a success out of it. Aesthetically, in doing this it may create wonders but then after time people may prefer one companies product over another because licensing out a product may or may not not add overall improvement. But the creator or author of the original work in by knowing the work and background it took to get there can offer improvement based upon the foundation of which he or she has already established.

When we consider intellectual property inclusive of earned degrees by educational academia it all makes sense. As we draw the circle around the letter C or P and leave the circle completely out with the BA, BS, MBA, MS, Th.M, Th.D and Ph.D, ect. degrees; we have only to conclude one thing. That circle is also in the shape of a ring and that ring around those letters possibly indicates our true calling, as it call us with regards to such works created.  As for the other letters without circles, this can only be because we eventually called upon education as it at one time signified status. Although it may be natural for one to excel with regard to education there are those who do things in life or livelihood that their degree does not call upon them to do...