Remember the old Frankenstein movies?  They usually involved some scientist or doctor that conjured up experiments or remedies to cure a disorder or to regulate the size of something, it was usually a person who was too big or small. or was that Godzilla?  Those movies were great because the scientist had a lab that was set up as if it were in the study or basement inside a regular large house. In those days, homes were often large and unaffordable and large houses were not converted into multi-family residences as they do now. Gosh, to make a movie like that now where would they put the lab?

Frankenstein was this huge monster that walked robotically and had what appeared to be a thumbtack sticking out of his neck.  In humans of couse that could be a disaster because you could puncture something and inadvertendly die as a result.  Although, the thumbtack that stuck out of his neck could be viewed upon as modern day body piercing for that day and time but it didn't really catch on.

Before the thumbtack came along; the human neck created, contains two carotid arteries.  They are located on the right and left sides of the neck and provide a majority of the blood, oxygen and other vital nutrients to the top and front of the brain. If one of these arteries are blocked it can lead to atherosclerosis.  This condition causes strokes in a person.  The plaque buildup is comprised of fibrin, cellular fat or waste, calcium and cholesterol buildup that attaches itself to the artery and hardens it. When this occurs blood and oxygen are no longer able to be sufficiently supplied to the brain, thus the loss of brain function.  Did Frankenstein actually have a bulging artery?

Vinpocetine is a supplement (Vinca minor a periwinkle plant). Vinpocetine inhibits an emzyme called PDE1 and reduces intracellular calcium.  This is sort of like removing the thumbtack from the neck. Both the emzyme and calcium cause the blood vessels to contract and narrow. Vinpocetine prevents this contraction so that the blood vessels do not become narrow and in doing so blood is enabled to flow through normally while also reducing the clumping or stickiness of the red blood cells and platelets. As a sodium channel blocker, Vinpocetine helps reduce the amount of sodium on brain cells that have already been subject to injury due to a stroke. It also assists with glucose transport throughout the brain. Glucose is used as energy to the brain. Without glucose the brain is impaired. Because the brain needs the right amount of glucose, if a person has diabetes and the body's insulin is not regulated the glucose is unable to distribute itself properly to the brain; since it is insulin that regulates glucose and Vinpocetine helps with that process.

Vinpocetine is a supplement and with most if not all supplements you have to consider how much to take and if to take them at all if you have other conditions and are taking medication for them. The Vinpocetine patch is a great way to get enough of the supplement into your arteries without it possibly causing adverse affects with other medications. A 15mg-30mg patch dose worn on either side of the neck can help prevent severe blockage to either artery. This is especially good for those persons who have been diagnosed with carotid artery blockage and want some form of protection to safeguard their arteries to prevent a stroke from happening or as a remedy if one has already suffered from one; by keeping the arteries clear so that blood can flow normally.

Frankenstein was scary to look at. With the Vinpocetine patch people may question where you are from or your human origins, but at least you will have less fear about carotid artery disease and it's effect on you!