
When it comes to disease there are many methods to rid the body of damaged tissue and abnormal cells.  Surgery, medicine, home remedies, burdening other people and other forms of alternative treatments and procedures.  Cryotherapy is a procedure or method in which very cold liquid is used to destroy abnormal tissue.

Liquid nitrogen at temperatures of -320 F or -196 C is used in cryotherapy or cryosurgery.  This can be the preferred method because cryotherapy uses a small probe to spread the liquid nitrogen to the affected areas and therefore leaving good tissue unharmed.

When people think of good dental hygiene what do they really mean? Is it that their mouth smells minty fresh and that they visit the dentist at least twice a year?  This just means that you have a halfway decent job to afford the necessity of benefits and that job also permits you to visit the store for snacks.  Brushing your teeth once a day may seem like poor hygiene because you eat or drink more than you bush, floss or gargle. Although, in today's economy eating one and a half times a day is probably the norm so brushing just once a day saves on those products and all that you need to use them. If you're self-conscious about this, then talking a lot less will also be of great assistance. Save save, save is all we can do. When there's not much going in, well there certainly won't be much going out!  Flossing and gargling are part of good mouth care, but seriously for those people who love to sleep having a clean pucker may require one to wake up a lot earlier that one wants to especially if you have a lot of work to do. Big meals, smiles and talk pollution all add up from the night before.

When people visit the dentist, x-rays of the mouth are taken.  This is the first of many unplesant procedures in the dentists office. X-rays are uncomfortable because you have to have your mouth open so that the x-ray machine can gather images. The x-rays determine the health of the bone in your mouth and the gum line ect.  Bone loss leads to surgery or graft to restore and regrow bone.  But, what about the tissue inside the mouth or gums that surround the teeth.  These are the areas that are subjected to abnormal growths, bacterias and cancers.  What can people do about removing abormal or unhealthy tissue in the mouth on a periodic basis to avoid infections from bacteria or even cancer?


Liquid Nitrogen can be used in an applicator form to swab the gums evenly inside the mouth. The liquid nitrogen should stay on for about 20-30 seconds. The liquid nitrogen will thaw and leave a residue that can be brushed  away with a sponge type of toothbrush to remove the outer layer of the gum along with bacteria. Once this is done your mouth will be rid of hard to remove bacteria and prevent infections or illness associated with unhealthy gums.  The last part of the dentist visit is the cost. Sometimes dentists will do more on a visit provided they have the time to do so. The more they do- the more it will cost you.  If cryotherapy can be done at home, one can include this regimen as part of their dental hygiene to avoid excess cost associated with dental visits once you finally visit. This does not give you a reason to talk more, I mean come on! It was you that did all of the budget and scrapping and what not with the very little that you earn. Cryotherapy- it just gives you a reason to cry less!