Showing category "Orders-09 PT 2" (Show all posts)

Pieces 007/09 PT 2

Posted by Sheri Harris on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, In : Orders-09 PT 2 
Josh: Madlee became very angry. She felt that I should have had the reception for those invited at least, as a token of appreciation. She said that the money would not have been wasted because the family and guests could have eaten and enjoyed themselves. Now the club recieved payment for the occupying of the space because it was too late to sell it to someone else including all that went along with it.  My answer to this was if she wanted to hold a party for herself, then fine just don't inv...
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Showing category "Orders-09 PT 2" (Show all posts)

Pieces 007/09 PT 2

Posted by Sheri Harris on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, In : Orders-09 PT 2 
Josh: Madlee became very angry. She felt that I should have had the reception for those invited at least, as a token of appreciation. She said that the money would not have been wasted because the family and guests could have eaten and enjoyed themselves. Now the club recieved payment for the occupying of the space because it was too late to sell it to someone else including all that went along with it.  My answer to this was if she wanted to hold a party for herself, then fine just don't inv...
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