Showing category "Introduction" (Show all posts)

For whom is Pieces?

Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, May 14, 2009, In : Introduction 

Pieces- Responses to questions often chronicle experience that most all of us have endured at one time or another. In seeking an answer to a solution can sometimes be daunting of task.  In doing so people often consult wisdom of those enlightened by study and skill in many areas.  "If experience is the utmost of lesson, then  solution should arise from within it's pupil." A. Sadiq

Pieces acknowledges wisdom and viewpoint encountered by any situation. In event, Pieces provides it's thoughts on ...

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Showing category "Introduction" (Show all posts)

For whom is Pieces?

Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, May 14, 2009, In : Introduction 

Pieces- Responses to questions often chronicle experience that most all of us have endured at one time or another. In seeking an answer to a solution can sometimes be daunting of task.  In doing so people often consult wisdom of those enlightened by study and skill in many areas.  "If experience is the utmost of lesson, then  solution should arise from within it's pupil." A. Sadiq

Pieces acknowledges wisdom and viewpoint encountered by any situation. In event, Pieces provides it's thoughts on ...

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