Metabolic disorders occur when the body is unable to process fats known as lipids, proteins, sugars or nucleic acid properly.  This occurs when the bodies genetic mutations result in missing or dysfunctional enzymes thus making cells difficult to perform metabolic process.  When an enzyme is dysfunctional it is unable to breakdown fatty substances in the body.  The excess buildup of fat that surrounds the brain will cause brain damage. This is because the carnitines are responsible for the removal of accumulated toxic fatty acyl-CoA metabolytes and energy production through fatty metabolism, but are unable to do so because of the dysfunctional ganglioside enzyme .

Lysosomal storage disorders occur when lipids, polysaccharides and proteins accumulate in the lysosomes because the body is genetically unable to create hydrolases within the lysosomes. When hydrolases does not occur within the lysosomes then lipids, polysaccharides and proteins are unable to be broken down and removed from the body. A ganglioside is a type of lipid found in the brain, nervous system and red blood cells. The buildup of lipids and other protiens or fats can lead to cardiomyopathy and muscle weakness in the heart. During birth and infancy it can cause defects such as retardation. Mroe progressive symptoms of lysosomal storage disorders can cause deafness, blindness, atrophy, paralysis, dementia and seisures, including becoming unable to swallow. Although most of these disorders occur in  people as infants, Tay-Sachs Disease can onset as an adult.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is involved in the fat metabolism of the body. L-Carnitine is the transporter of fatty acids to the mitochondria and burned as fuel. It essentially turns fat into energy. L-Carnitine can be found in foods as well as supplements. L-Carnitine by injection or liquid supplement directly into the bloodstream or brain tissue may significantly reduce such symptomatic attributes of lysosomal storage disorder. It can also help lower elevated CPK levels and reduce arrhythmias.

In analyzing vitamins and supplements one may find that each one has a correlation to characters or instances in the Bible. If L-Carnitine had a biblical name, what would it be? This supplement does a pretty good job!