Auscultation is derived from the Latin verb auscultare that means to listen. The act of auscultation is when one listens to the internal sounds of the body via stethoscope. The most common sounds that are listened to are the heart, breathing or lungs and gastrointestinal or bowel sounds. Auscultation is necessary to determine if a patient or person has an abnormal heart beat and if their breathing is normal.  Conditions regarding this could include heart murmurs and or wheezing.


Patients depend on trained or certified medical professionals to be our eyes and ears for us regarding our bodies and the signs and or symptoms regarding them. People are prone to error, absenteeism of school, old age, wear and tear of loud voices and headphones. This means that when you go to a physicians office or clinic the internal sounds of your heart or lungs may not be noticed at least in time or misdiagnosed. There are four heart sounds that need to be distinguished from each other in order to give a person certainty that their heart is beating normally. Sound 1 or S1 is the "lub" sound that comes from the closing of the atrioventricular valves which are the tricuspid and mitral (bicuspid), which prevents reverse blood flow.
Sound 2 or S2 is the "dub" sound that comes from the closing of the semilunar valves which are the aortic and pulmanary valves to prevent reverse blood flow. Sound 3 or S3 is referred to as a gallop(protodiastolic or ventricular) which is a "sloshing" sound. This may occur because the ventricles are filling up with blood very rapidly. Sound 4 or S4 is referrred to as the presystolic or atrial gallop sound. This occurs when blood is pushed into the hypertrophic ventricle.  Murmurs or heart murmurs occur between the sounds of the heart 1 through 4. Some common heart murmors are as follows: aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral stenosis mitral regurgitation, mitral valve prolapse,ventricular septal defect, hypertrophic cardio myopathy, systolic ejection sound and diastolic gallop rhythms.

Virgin ears often times do not last forever and given that time frame to work with in between people may need assistance to help them in audible instances as this may affect their work or livelihood especially those who use stethoscopes as part of their job in order to earn a living. 


There needs to be a stethoscope made that no longer requires one to have such ears of virgin in that the stethoscope is simply designed so that you do not have to use them by way of headphones or earpiece.  The newly designed electronic stethoscope should not require a headphone or earpiece.  They can be purchased as an entire unit which includes the earpiece or be purchased without.  The unique feature of the electronic stethoscope is that it contains a powerful speaker that will allow the audio to be heard actually from the stethoscope itself.  With the help of auscultation software, medical workers can now check the heart of patients without having the ears of a metronome to do so. With infrared technology the stethoscope will send the audio sounds of the patients heart via wireless auscultation hub, the auscultation hub will then transmit those sounds to the auscultation software. The results can then be stored for each patient and a copy or acceptable format can be integrated into any EMR system. A medical assistant would use the electronic stethescope by putting it to a patients chest or back and select bell or diaphragm of the stethoscope to listen to the patents heart.  By using the audio speaker on the stethoscope the medical worker can hear in clarity the sound of the heart. Or the worker can simply use the computer and the auscultation software to access the final results.

With the use of the electronic stethoscope with audio speaker it can be used as a stand alone stethoscope or with the infrared wifi hub and software. This means that any medical worker can use it and will not require the advanced training necessary. A doctors office can be very busy. Once you have the equipment and staff to assist with the basics of medicine things tend to flow much more smoothly and the physician can then spend time evaluating results with the patient and coordinating additional medical care if necessary. Get rid of those headphones. The electronic stethoscope with audio speaker is in a doc "get it- dock" by itself.  Put your staff to work, and talk about a horse of another color once they begin to listen to those gallops by using the electronic stethoscope with audio speaker.