Did you ever want to examine a patient without bulky wiring getting in the way and hindering your from doing your job? With the wireless ultrasound probe system of obtaining images one can scan almost any part of the body from any room in a medical office. The ultrasound probe enables a technician or physician to perform tests even while a patient is sitting in a chair. Since the probe is wireless you can place it anywhere without the worry of restricted movement that can occur with wires. The probe contains a wireless infrared usb connector that connects to a computer usb port. Both the usb connector and wireless ultrasound probe communicate by infrared technology which enables images to be transferred from the probe to the computer software.

To install you download the web based software onto each of your computers. You must then install the wireless ultrasound probe software and place the wireless infrared usb connector into a usb port. After this is done you must link the wireless ultrasound probe software with the web based computer software by selecting link as you will be prompted during the computer installation and you will be provided with a user log on. This is done so that once you use the wireless probe software for obtaining images not only will the images be saved on your computer the web based software will back up those images so you can view them on any computer as it also contains the software for generating the typed reports. Once this is completed you can turn on the wireless probe.This will enable you to scan bodily images and see them on any computer you have downloaded the web based software on all you have to do is log on. The wireless ultrasound probe contains computer functions that allow you to record, save and enlarge images onto the computer software itself and all of the images recorded are automatically sent to the (probe and web based) software and saved for furthur use. They can additionally be transferred to USB, CD or DVD. You no longer need bulky machines to do this type of imaging. Worried about a server being down and time and money lost because you are unable to perform tests or read images? You can still perform tests with the cd installation of the wireless  ultrasound probe software and backup all information on cd ect. Once the web based program is able to be used again on the wireless ultrasound probe software you make sure the link to the web based software is selected and you select backup to web (provide your user log on) and all of your images are saved onto the web software and you can begin generating computer printout reports.

Any physician can now afford to do ultrasounds, echo's and carotid dopplers all with color flow 2,3,4D imaging and without major expense to the physician. The wireless ultrasound probe software comes with templates that allow you to prepare  and customize reports that will include color images of the ultrasound,echo and carotid doppler along with results and findings as interpreted by the physician. Once a report is complete the healthcare worker can then integrate the completed report as part of a patient's EMR chart and you can even printout reports as well. The wireless ultrasound probe makes technology affordable for everyone.