One of the most challenging aspects with regards to the mentally handicapped is for them to have normal speech or to be able to talk regularly. By talking it means to be able to ask for what they want or to be able to communicate when something is wrong.  It is very difficult to comprehend what an autistic person without speech is thinking. As a result of not being able to communicate verbally they may act out in expression of anger or communication.

With the help of computerized thought recognition, that reads electrical signals from the brain of a mentally handicapped person, speech therapists or those involved in day to day activities of persons with autism will evenutally be able to teach a person with autism to speak.

If a wireless electrode device can be placed on the head of an autistic person a handheld computer can assist in helping the autistic person to speak with the manipulation of electrical impulses. If a picture of food is shown to an autistic person and you ask them the name of that food, when monitoring their brains electrical signals a therapist is able to understand how the autistic person's brain is processing the information. With the use of such device the therapist is then able to assist the autistic person's speech and ability to answer questions by the use of signal response and adjustment of those electrical impulses to the autistic's brain via handheld computerized device. This can be used as corrective therapy in order to help the brain with normal speech and thought responses.

The handheld device will ultimately be able to read and interpret signals from the wireless headset as it sends stimuli signals to the headset in attempts to trigger the brain for normal thought and speech process. When this type of therapy is done on a regular basis the autistic mind will improve with speech and comprehension ability.