If humans were to develop a sub-species that could undergo hazardous enviornmental tasks, what kind of human could be developed to evolve into such species that could function and survive in the most dangerous of setting?

The question remains as to what risk and why should human entity be subject to the dangers of country and hazardous combat? If we simply create life to destroy it-what's the purpose? When there should be more innovative approaches taken to salvage lives that are placed in harms way?

Robots can be used in placed of person to accomplish jobs that are deemed dangerous or no longer suitable for human control. If the armed forces were to create several thousand front line metal armed figures that could be controled remotely by humans precious lives would be saved in combat. Built like tankers these robots would be made to resist bullet or bombing and would be repairable and programmable to endure any long duration of combat. The US should consider this as an investment for wars and combat that are lengthy in duration.

Yes, any type of army requires human intervention for stabilization of people and peace within the population however foreign. But to preserve troops that go into combat an army of robots controllable from human occupied stations can be used. With intellectual design any armed enemy can be eliminated while saving lives and utilizing those to operate the robots mechanically, thus using minds more skillfully and saving bodies.

Robots can also be used for the removal of hazardous waste. With regard to construction in high rise buildings, window cleaning, firefighting and even police work in addition to surveilance and crowd control and in searching for hard to find evidence there is a niche for robotic existence.

If robotic sophistication were used in areas where human life may result in sacrifice, the US would then have a hold on the intellectual occupation of people with the use of robots in design and task thus keeping people employed and would also save many lives from bodily harm.