Most physicians use their cell phones when trying to contact the hospital or medical office regarding a patient. Cell phones can do almost everything eg, text,billing and even order tests with the correct software. Most problems occur in the most basicn of situations. Some of these scenarios include trying to contact the doctor to get certain hospital orders approved, emergency situations when a doctor is needed to see a patient in the hospital. There are times when all attempts to page a physician fail by personal cell phone or pager.  What should a hospital do so that the lives of patients are not sacrificed and doctors can do what they are supposed to?

The voice activated pager and response system. This voice activated pager sends text, alarm and voice activated responses from hospital personell eg. nurses,physicians ect. This is so that the physician knows who contacted them and the reason for it. Most of all the pager is HIPAA compliant. This pager also sends text regarding where the physician is needed, the patient and other pertinent information along with whom to contact. The pager and response system is the physician's lifeline of contact between the hospital and patients. It also uses a silent distress signal light with assosciated text when and if you are out and you are asked to turn your cellphone and pager off, because the noise of a pager or phone is prohibited.

With the voice activated pager and response system you will never miss important messages again. This system also has text (QWERTY) keyboard so you can type quietly or you can also respond immediately when using the walk talk feature. So now you have page by phone, text,signal and radio walk talk for immediate response with your hospital. Once a call is put throught to your pager you can just press to talk, respond by text or press a single key to dial the number back and begin talking or typing. It's that simple.

These pagers should be required by doctors and hospitals to avoid negligent situations especially when many physicians work for a hospital or hospitals but are not on staff. This may make the physician difficult to contact. Once a hospital requires  any of it's physician's to have a voice activated pager and response system you can rest assure contact will be made. The voice activated pager and response system also has solar capability so that a low battery will not prevent physician and hospital contact.