Women are diagnosed with ovarian disease each year. Some of the choices involving this disease may include undergoing a hysterectomy to remove the reproductive system to prevent any spread or disease in abnormality to the other parts of the body. A tumor or very large growth may be difficult to remove by surgery alone and could involve procedures such as radiation and laser technology. These procedures may shrink the tumor as well as kill off any abnormal growth. In doing this could make any surgery thereafter less complicated.

Regarding the reproductive system in specific, the uterus and ovaries there needs to be a treatment designed for healthy tissue and cells. The reproductive system is not subjected to cleansing to remove toxins. Only the surrounding areas of a cervix for example may be cleansed, but what about the remaining areas?

It has been said that menstruation cleanses the body. But if the blood is contaminated or contains a large amount of toxins, then how healthy is the menstrual cleaning?


A  T shaped IUD  that is designed for direct contact with the reproductive system for cleansing and removal can be inserted or done by a ob/gyn doctor. With the insertion of the T shaped IUD and its magnetic composition and coating of curcuma, guduchi,astragalus and berberine will assist the unteus and ovaries in the reduction and removal of toxins, tumors and fibroids that can grow and produce abnormalities. This type of internal cleansing will repair abnormal tissue and restore it to health. The IUD should be worn in one month intervals and used when an individual desires alternative cleansing or healing of the reproductive system.