The lymphatic system absorbs and removes waste materials from the body. Lymph nodes contained inside the lymphatic tubules produce antibodies where foreign proteins are found. When a lymph node or gland is swollen or enlarged it is the result of an infection or disease with your antibodies reacting to fight it off. Therefore, how can one assist their body in removing harmful infection or disease with a simplified approach?


Disposable patches consisting of castor oil (cold pressed and processed) with cayene pepper.

These disposable patches are filled with cold pressed and processed castor oil gel along with cayene pepper. The process works like this: one would peel off the adhesive of the castor oil with cayene pepper gel pack and place the side with the gel release onto your body. The gel pack has an adhesive that will stick to your body. So there is no prior preparation of the patch. You just peel and stick the patch onto areas of your body that are affected. The gel beads of the castor oil will begin to melt and absorb themselves into the body. To intensify body heat that is, if the cayene pepper is not hot enough for a oerson, heat wrap towels made of iron-charcol and salt-water can be placed over the gel pack. These towels are similar to bandage wraps which can be re-used if necessary and are also disposable. To re-use the disposable heat towel you would just reseal it into the airtight package for storage.

When the Castor oil gel pack is applied to the skin of the affected area, the lymphocytes (disease fighting cells in the immune system) should increase. Once the lymphocytes count increases the removal of toxins occurs and the lymph nodes will decrease in size. Thus, restoring the health of the affected lymph node and the lymphatic system