In the 1970's CB radio's were popular. The actual name for it was Citizen's Band radio. The radio itself had a maximum of 40 channels within a 27mHz(1m) band. It was popular with those who took long trips, truckers or radio enthusiasts who enjoyed talking with people without using the telephone. Although, back then it may have cost a dime or fifteen cents but still it was money that could easily be wasted it you were considered the chatty type. This of course came along after silent movies and after such experience life became ho hum and you didn't need a phone to dim sum up what you had to say about it in a word or two.

Communication has come a long way. Phone booths used to be on almost every block and at times there were clusters of them in order to make phone calls.  Since wireless has taken over, phones that were stationary in many areas are gone because of lack of use. The free space proved to be good because the invention of the kiosk was used to sell items and proved to be somewhat rent worthy.

The real issue here is communication when one is in distress.  Phone batteries cannot last the duration in which a person may need emergency help for more than a day or so especially when power and or a phone charger is not available.  People often use their cell phones or wireless devices for everything as this may often be done to eliminate the use or purchase of several gadgets.  Cars are even equipped with distress assistance that can assist you with anything from a flat tire, accident or just being lost.  I say you can never be too safe. Even if your car looks like the inside of NASA as long as you are able to recognize the land during your journey the house call you made was a well one and hopefully the visit.

The CB radio should not be put to rest like the hoola hoop, nurses hat,rotary phone and the adding machine. There is still life to this piece of equipment.


The wifi Citizens Band radio with VOIP(voice over internet protocol) with gps.  The newly redesigned CB radio needs usb and wifi capability.  One may ask, why is this necessary, I have a cell phone, plenty of liquids and God?  Batteries die and one can become awfuly thirsty when trying to figure something out.  The upgraded CB gadget can be programmed from your computer to include all of the frequencies, ranges and VOIP access websites. You can also program phone numbers into the CB.  One would use the CB radio as they normally would by talking into the handset and alternating channels. If a person became lost or is in distress physically and your vehicle is not equipped with distress communication apparatus, you can use your Citizens Band radio to communicate with the police, fire,hospital, family, friends or anyone who can assist you in getting the help you need.  All you need to do is to talk into the public address system, with the optional  battery operated  flare system your can connect using infrared technology so that when you send your distress signal over the public address system the battery operated flares will function at very bright lit beams that will send light signals for those in distress for 12 hours before you need to change the batteries and for 75 miles N,S,E,W and air included.  This is so that you can be found given your approximate location by gps and police with the help of your light flares are able to locate your exact whereabouts.  With the use of wifi and VOIP once can send messages to others family, friends, police ect. through the radio just by speaking, texting, selecting programmed numbers or dialing the numbers on the handset. This means that you can communicate with almost anyone on the internet while in your car without a cell phone.  If your car battety conks out, the wifi CB radio has a portable battery connection that can be used with regular batteries.  Things happen and if your car is not equipped with distress assistance apparatus the wifi CB radio may be something quite useful. When life brings you a ham's distance away the wifi CB radio is just what you need.  It's also good for the home and nearby those blackouts and visits to the moon can leave messy spills!