Our bodies need to be analyzed so that we have an accurate reading of what health or good health is?  Unfortunately, this is somewhat more complex than taking measurements for a suit, table or that of a wall.  The reason for that could result in the way a body changes in levels not being very consistent. Wall measurements stay the same as do table measurements they do not swell or gain weight if they get sweets and goodies on them as do humans.  Suit measurements stay the same although, you may not be able to fit into the one you bought while in your 20's. I use the number twenty because I like the age as a number. However, the experience and actual re-do of the decade is not desirable. Why? Because at that age your parents really just want you to be ten again. Your thirties was just the bonus round.

When we are suddenly taken from this time wharp, we find that our bodies have changed. From that twenty year old body  to that of ones actual age.  Could this be because since we were treated like kids we therefore ate like them, you know chocolate and potato chips? Heavy amounts of sugar and salt; gosh, our parents were a bad influence!  What is really bad is that since we didn't have health insurance during those repetitive bonus round years, there were those that never saw such problems occur until it became too late and or difficult to manage. Well, now it will just take a whole village of doctors to raise a child. And of course, when you need health insurance the most your parents tell the year you were born. This also means that you will not be included on any of their heath insurance policies. Strange, isn't it.  Under their childhood care you didn't use their insurance very much. Your illnesses were kept to a minimum as they let things run their course "naturally". But now as you are reminded of the year you were born, you are also nagged about checkups, probably because they are no longer responsible for payment, or at least in cash!

Blood pressure is important because it involves the rate that blood flows while the heart is active verses when the heart is relaxed.  Too high of a pressure can cause the heart to beat too fast and increase the risk for injuries to the heart and too low of a pressure could cause one to faint or become dizzy. Both problems can be costly because you may need to visit a physician from time to time to keep the matter under control.  We as humans are not equipped with digital readings that beep or indicate to us that our blood pressure is too high or low to caution us that we need to do something before we end up symptomatic enough to visit a hospital.  What is needed so that we can maintain regular readings of blood pressure during the day cost-effectively(since adulthood is a life of hard fought lessons)?


Blood pressure monitors are already on the market and are being used in the home as well.  The problem here is that we would lose circulation in an arm ect. if we walked around all day doing our daily chores with a tight cuff around it as the blood pressure monitor supposedly does it's thing in providing measurements(parents will also inform any officer that they don't do bail).  Furthurmore, one would need to wear short sleeve shirts in order for the thing to work properly(another popular kids item). Therefore, another thigamagig has to be introduced so that life is not sucked from a limb and one is not always dressed as though they are on a tropical vacation.  What could be useful are crystalized strips that detect salt levels(Na+) as they are excreted from the skin. Since salt and other bodily elements have an impact on the heart during activity and rest, this can be used as a measurement to indicate when ones blood pressure is too high or low. The crystalized strip can change  from shades of red to purple ranging from low to high pressure; with purple being high blood pressure. These can be disposable.  The same technology that incorporates a more digital method by inserting a strip into a digital watch or meter reader that can actually calculate a number if you want to use numbers for research indications and level association. Colors are cute, but the different shades at times are confusing in contrast with the light(parents only like to show you life in pictures the numbers and other key facts are all up to you).  So before you go and paint the town red in celebration of your almost perfect blood pressure' it may be best to use a number value associated with that particular contrast so that there is an overall general understand of low, normal and high(these levels are also relative to parents you're never grown until you're high up there). And, I suppose they have a place for that as well!