Browsing Archive: June, 2011


Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, June 30, 2011, In : Education 
Who needed a car for this? Let's be honest. Is our future already predicted as those on the stage platform await to hand us our diplomas?  I think about this often, as the ones who molded our years at various schools and institutions stood before us as we sat in cap and gown.  They knew the future and how they wanted it to exist.  So they gathered like cells or I say biblical cells so that the future will be a function in its past state.

How do we know such a hidden ceremony takes place while ...
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What's In a Watch?

Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, June 9, 2011, In : Commentary 
We use watches as portable mechanisms to inform us of the time.  But why is time so important if life does not provide us with the travel that goes along with it? If you travel 50 miles from home just to return to it- this means you haven't gone anywhere.  So why the travel?  This is where time becomes a factor to all things relevant in regard to that distance. When we look at or examine a watch we find that there are 12 numbers(can be roman style) and two dials, one hourly and one minute. Th...
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Laundromat Theory

Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, June 2, 2011, In : Safety 
As of now if you are reading this blog you are either unemployed, underemployed or maybe very fortunate financially and have a great amount of time on your hands to sift through the internet to see what others have to say.  I would include retired as well but that was discussed in an article written last week. 

Washing machines are not made to accomodate people with disabilities, injuries, petite persons or those small in size.  So how do these people wash clothes, if they can't wear the clea...
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About Me

The writer professes a desire for human existence to evolve itself. If in effect change cannot withstand such struggles of forefather implementation; then it will be that of America who will exist without furthur progress. Sadiq's General e-mail:

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