Browsing Archive: August, 2011


Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, August 11, 2011, In : HEALTH 
Hemoglobin in combination with iron is the molecule in the red blood cells that transport oxygen through the body.  Red blood cells in the body have a life span of 100-120 days.  If hemoglobin did not exist our bodies would not recieve oxygen necessary to sustain life.  Strangely enough red blood cells have a limit as to how much oxygen can be binded with hemoglobin naturally.  This would mean that in order for our bodies to consume enough oxygen to handle the toll an injury, disease or illne...
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The Exercise Chair

Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, August 4, 2011, In : HEALTH 
We ask ourselves, is it possible to be lazy and health conscious at the same time? Sure, if you don't do anything that requires a lot of strength.  If so, then exercise may cease to be effective although the objective to stay healthy was probably there. As we get older the body settles in more. The fat will move in like a stranger and refuse to leave.  Without paying much rent in food it continues to stay.  So who do we blame? The  fatty tissue also known as the stranger or the unemployed met...
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The writer professes a desire for human existence to evolve itself. If in effect change cannot withstand such struggles of forefather implementation; then it will be that of America who will exist without furthur progress. Sadiq's General e-mail:

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