Browsing Archive: June, 2009

Where do you bury the survivors?

Posted by Sheri Harris on Tuesday, June 30, 2009, In : Safety 
Cars, boats, airplanes, busses and trains are often used for distance and convenience of transportation. What do we do in the event of an emergency or malfunction of device? Would it be too much to ask each passenger to be responsible for providing his or her own life jacket or parachute? Automobiles should no longer be the exception for endless airbag possibilities with regard to safety during transportation of any kind.


A helium air envelope that can deploy similar to an airbag when an ...
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White Tea

Posted by Sheri Harris on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, In : HEALTH 

Herbs and minerals are our most natural resource even before medicine became it's common. People have neglected the natural in defense of ills that create a harmful destruction to the body, this type of remedy is now considered alternative approach to medicine.  What is a given is that society has found a way to make money from medicine that is designed to slow the progression of illnesses but not necessarily cure them all together.  Therefore, medicine has not developed any one potion that c...

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Personal Best and the Conflict of Public Interest

Posted by Sheri Harris on Tuesday, June 16, 2009, In : LAW 
Who should be in danger of losing a job when a company seeks "appearance" as a first and foremost requirement? If such  person is not employed in a sector whereby a photographic portfolio is of non-requirement, then what in natural circumstance offends an employer to make mandatory to it's employees a bran by cosmetic use?

The issue is, what if anything is the corporation in question attempting to sell? If an employee is not in view of the masses, then the suggestion of cosmetic use clearly be...
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Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, June 11, 2009, In : HEALTH 

Brain tumors or malignant gliomas are similar to warts regarding removal.  When attempts at surgery to extract all that can be eliminated from a persons brain with regard to tumor, still leaves a person at risk for the cancer to exist, eventually regrow and spread to the size it was prior to removal; to what benefit is the surgery? How long will surgery prolong life which includes costly operations before the cancer finally takes over and surgey is no longer an option? Cancerous tentacles tha...

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Posted by Sheri Harris on Thursday, June 4, 2009, In : TRAVEL 
When people take cruises or rides aboard a ship to any destination, how does personel in charge of the ship or cruise maintain a full head count of all those on board?   When the ship docks and the passengers depart to travel on land around an island who's responsibility is it to keep track of and or locate passengers that may have gotten lost, nowhere to be found or have yet to return to their ship? This is a tremendous responsibility in keeping track of everyone aboard a ship.


Cruise br...

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The writer professes a desire for human existence to evolve itself. If in effect change cannot withstand such struggles of forefather implementation; then it will be that of America who will exist without furthur progress. Sadiq's General e-mail:

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