Browsing Archive: August, 2009

Western Medicine and the Fault Within

Posted by Sheri Harris on Monday, August 31, 2009, In : medicine 
Are you in tune with your physician? Does his or her office make you feel violently inhibited, uncared for, unwelcome or discriminated against? If a patient is inclined towards feelings of this nature the problem may lie with the bedside manner of the physician. When a patient is made to feel like Jesus walking on hot coals, then it is presumed that patient care from the physician's office will be a rough road in cure and recovery for the patient.

It is of no wonder why patient's resort to alt...
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To wear or not to wear?

Posted by Sheri Harris on Tuesday, August 25, 2009, In : medical 
Laboratory coats worn by doctors and other medical personnel are donned to establish a professional attire within the medical atmosphere. It is symbolic in that one who wears the coat is bestowed with education and  training to work within the medical profession. The coat or jacket has been worn for approximately 100 years and has most recently come under scrutiny for the germs it carries and transfers from patient to patient.

A debate has arisen, with regard to the elimination of of laborator...
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The Elderly and Assistance

Posted by Sheri Harris on Monday, August 17, 2009, In : Elderly 

 The elderly require accessible assistance for them to stay independent in their own home. Motorized walkers can be used to assist the elderly in getting around in that aid should always be expedient by nature. The issue is to realize that old doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be entirely dependent on someone. Which is the issue when it comes to designing a care criterior that appeals to the growing population of elderly persons. It has now become crucial to establish measures of care...

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Robots in Need of Duty

Posted by Sheri Harris on Monday, August 10, 2009, In : TECHNOLOGY 
If humans were to develop a sub-species that could undergo hazardous enviornmental tasks, what kind of human could be developed to evolve into such species that could function and survive in the most dangerous of setting?

The question remains as to what risk and why should human entity be subject to the dangers of country and hazardous combat? If we simply create life to destroy it-what's the purpose? When there should be more innovative approaches taken to salvage lives that are placed in har...
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Posted by Sheri Harris on Monday, August 3, 2009, In : belief 
Is It possible that one can exist in duality of self and therefore predict their future existence?  The activity of the soul encounters an action that may only respond with succession in another existence. This would result in an attempt to correct mistakes or lessons learned and to be able to attribute that knowlegde to the next life.

Can we succumb to the request of reincarnation as an improved self or way of life other than the one lived currently?  If such a soul has died and therefore tra...
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About Me

The writer professes a desire for human existence to evolve itself. If in effect change cannot withstand such struggles of forefather implementation; then it will be that of America who will exist without furthur progress. Sadiq's General e-mail:

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